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Our Daily Brew and Espresso is also available by the pound and readily available.
$12.00lb / $7.00lb

Daily Brew

French Roast:

Dark and brooding? This is the blend for you. Our darkest roast, well balanced and clean, this is the perfect cup for after dinner with a sweet desert. The beans are roasted slow to retain the sweetness of our specially selected coffees.
Black Pearl: Roasty & nutty, this is a sweet coffee for those seeking a darker roast.
House (also available in Decaf): A combination of dark & medium roasted coffees with brown sugar & molasses sweetness, our House Blend coffee is a customer favorite here at Cup-A-Joe.
FTO (Fair Trade Organic) Ethiopian Harrar Oromia A bright and fruity coffee with a deep, spicy flavor. It has medium/heavy body, sweet aroma and chocolate finish. This is a wonderful coffee with taste aspects of authentic Mocha but with a softer finish.

Flavored Coffee of the Week

Espresso Classic Cremosa: Roasted in the light northern Italian style, this espresso has a sweet creamy body with booming dark chocolate notes and a cherry finish. Fruity and lively, this 4-bean blend is for the discriminating palette. It is exceptional as a straight espresso, but also makes a refined cappuccino.

The following beans are available for special order and require 2-3 days for delivery. 
All beans are $12.00/lb (unless otherwise noted)


Brazil Peaberry Pearl RFA Brazilian coffees are grown at relatively low altitudes (from 2000 - 4000 feet), and therefore offer less acidity than high altitude coffees. Our premium beans produce a well-balanced, soft flavor with a pleasant aroma, in contrast to the big and bold flavors that are grown at higher altitudes in other countries. Sweet aromatics of cherry, almond and raisin. In the cup these aromas mix with a mellow body and quiet pleasing acidity.
Colombian Huila Valencia Supremos are the highest-grade coffee bean available from Colombia, which produces 12 percent of the world's coffee, second only to Brazil. This richly flavored coffee is a crowd pleaser every time with it's balanced acidity and a caramel like sweetness.
Costa Rican SHB Tarrazu These arabica beans, grown in fertile volcanic soil in a premier coffee district in the Pacific mountains, produce a bright and lively cup of coffee. A well-rounded, velvety body envelops the flavors of ripe grapes and cherries that swirl under subtleties of light citrus and mango.
El Salvador Cerro Las Ranas PN This coffee is medium bodied and mild in acidity while being brilliantly clean and sweet. A mild citrus flavor mingles with sweet honey and the resulting cup is remarkable.
Ethiopian Limu Organic These celebrated African beans are grown in a province to the east of the capital of Addis Ababa. Their intense fruity flavor make a superb cup of drip coffee. A complex flavor with spicy undertones.
Flores Bajawa (Java) This is a clean cup for an Indonesian, a fully wet-processed coffee that has the Indonesian body and thickness in the cup without earthy flavors. A unique sweetness, dark molasses as well as pungent spice, clove and pepper round out this superb offering.
Guatemala SHB Medium-full bodied, well-rounded and smoky, sweet chocolate notes and a thick buttery body, brimming with silky red-fruit juices and finishing with hints of praline and spice.
Indian Malabar AA This coffee is named after the process of leaving the coffee beans outside in sheds throughout the monsoon season in India. The beans swell with water, and their color changes from green to yellowish/white. The coffee is uniquely satisfying with a pungent aroma and deep chocolaty notes. It is robust and flavorful, and makes for a great full-bodied morning coffee.

Java Estate

Kenya AA Karani  $13.00 Elegant and balanced with that classic black currant flavor and a crisp acidity, hearty wine-like body and grapefruit-inspired acidity are hints of peach, guava, with a warm and clean finish of clove and sweet molasses.
Kona Extra Fancy $35.00 The very limited supply of Kona coffee is the reason for it's high price, but this delicate coffee is delightfully balanced. We cup only the finest beans from the best sources, not a blend of mediocre beans that is so often disguised as Kona coffee. Clean and mild with a nice hint of milk chocolate, the flavor has just enough fruit and acidity to round out the cup.
Mexico Terruno The aroma is of coffee blossoms and butter cream. Lush, juicy lime-like acidity lifts notes of perfectly ripened tropical fruit. The body is both delicate and creamy with a sweet lingering aftertaste.
New Guinea Kimel Peaberry  This coffee has a silky texture and medium body while the fragrance has a caramel malt sweetness, which comes to life in the wet aromas as the cup brews. There are tea notes, dried orange peel, and sandalwood flavors with an initial honeyed sweetness.
Yemen Mocca Matari A complex coffee loaded with flavor that is grown on the Arabian Peninsula. Full bodied and rich, with an earthy appeal, these beans produce an aromatic brew that has a medium to low acidity.

Custom Blends

Black Velvet Just as the name implies, this is a smooth, dark roasted blend, with a gentle acidty and a deep, dark chocolate finish.
Breakfast Blend A balanced blend that is the perfect morning cup. Sweet and smooth, with a medium body and hints of chocolate. This pleasing cup has a clean finish.
Moka-Java Moka-Java is a combination of Ethiopian and Java coffees, deeply roasted that has a full body with dark cocoa notes and a fine balance.

Monster Italian

One of our signature dark roasts and probably the most popular. We start by roasting each of the four different beans separately to achieve the sweet carmelized sugar flavors, but without imparting a smokey roast note. Deep and dark, sweet and bold with a full body and lasting finish.
Vienna Roast For those that like it sweet and smokey, this one is for you. Reminiscent of old world European roasting styles, this blend features a dark caramel finish, medium acidity and a full body.
Italian Roast A dark roast in the Southern Italian style. This blend is all dark chocolate with a buttery sweetness and a mild floral finish.
French Sumatra A remarkable blend of robust beans, this full bodied coffee is for discriminating drinkers.

Espresso Blends

Espresso Forte The darker roast rounds out the acidity while pushing the sweet dark chocolate tones to the foreground. The balance of medium-dark and light roasted coffees from Africa, India, and Central and South America produces a celebrated espresso with copious amounts of crema. Perfectly suited for cappuccinos, mochas or lattes.

Classic Dark

WP Decaf Classic Cremosa
FTO Classic Cremosa
FTO Classic Dark  

Brazil Kenya AA
Colombia Sulawesi Toraja
Ethiopia Breakfast Blend 
Guatemala House Blend
Black Pearl Vienna Roast
Italian Roast French Roast

Fair Trade Organic

FTO Brazil FTO Colombia
FTO Ethiopia Limu FTO Guatemala
FTO Sumatra FTO Vienna Roast
FTO Italian Roast FTO French Roast
FTO French Sumatra  

916.781.3041 . 2230 Sunset Blvd., Rocklin, CA 95765 . site © 2010 Cup-a-Joe . site design by Clearend Media

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